Monday, December 04, 2006

Death to Smoochie!

"Sometimes I'm quite mortified that I'm on the side of the government on this one."

Finally, a sane 16-year old. Laurie Pycroft has formed Pro-Test an anti-anti-vivisection group. On a recent visit to a scienctific research facility:
Most of the technicians we met had always wanted to work with animals, and started off helping out in vetinary clinics and the like. They also wanted to trap us in corners and tell us about their pets again, and again....and again. I suppose if you like animals then looking after them for a job is ideal. We were really struck by the huge difference between the way animal research is actually conducted (remember that this was in the US, where the regulatory framework is not as tight as in the UK), and the way it is portrayed by anti-research groups, with their placards showing photos from work done in the former USSR in the 1960s.